| 1. | There is a buddhist temple in this town 在这个镇上有一座佛教寺庙。 |
| 2. | This isn ' t a buddhist temple 韩佳:这可不是寺庙。 |
| 3. | The fa zang temple is a buddhist temple founded by master he qing in 1948 该寺为一所佛教庙宇,由释河清大师于一九四八年创立。 |
| 4. | However , a wife of one of the conquering manchu generals rescued the boy and brought him to visit a buddhist temple where his father happened to be working 恽寿平的父亲碰巧在这家寺庙出家,两个人就这样奇迹般地团圆了。 |
| 5. | A group of gangsters refuge in a buddhist temple to get away from danger . though the master permits their stay , they are not welcomed by the monks 被追杀的黑帮闯入深山寺庙避难,虽然得到主持的首肯,却并不受到和尚们的欢迎。 |
| 6. | I was visiting a buddhist temple to pray and prostrate to statues of saints such as buddha , quan yin bodhisattva , lao tze and confucius 那时我到一间寺庙参拜,向佛陀观世音菩萨老子孔子等等的雕像膜拜,寺庙内的气氛非常祥和宁静。 |
| 7. | The site of nanyue kingdom palace , now over 2 , 000 years old was converted to a buddhist temple . it is now one of the guangdong ' s most ancient structures “先有光孝,后有羊城” ,光孝寺拥有2000多年历史,原为南越国王宫的一部分,后改为佛教寺院,是广东最古老的建筑之一。 |
| 8. | Former chinese actress and business celebrity chen xiaoxu has taken the tonsure at a buddhist temple in changchun , capital of jilin province in northeast china , her husband told a newspaper sunday 周日,陈晓旭的丈夫向某报社透露,中国前著名演员和商界名流陈晓旭,已在中国东北吉林省长春的一个佛教寺庙落发为尼。 |
| 9. | Former chinese actress and business celebrity chen xiaoxu has taken the tonsure at a buddhist temple in changchun , capital of jilin province in northeast china , her husband told a newspaper sunday 曾经的中国籍女演员、商界名人陈晓旭的丈夫周日向一家报社披露,陈晓旭已在中国东北的吉林省省会长春的一座寺庙削发为尼。 |
| 10. | Cheap and quiet accommodation is available for visitors to thailand ' s upcoming international horticultural show , but some may find it too quiet , the lodgings are in the funeral hall of a buddhist temple 在即将到来的2006泰国世界园艺博览会上,游客们可以找到价格便宜且环境幽静的住处,但这些住处或许幽静得有些阴森可怕,因为它们位于一座寺庙的停尸房中。 |